Habitat and Geographical Distribution: Open fields, savannahs, forest edges, beaches and urban areas. Neotropical distribution from Argentina to the southern United States, with their largest population in south-east and north-east Brazil. Diet: Rather opportunistic omnivore, takes advantage of all available... READ MORE.
Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Habitat and Geographical Distribution: Wide variety of habitats, including coniferous forests, deserts, wetlands, plains, urban areas and mountain areas. Its distribution includes practically the whole of Europe and much of Asia and North Africa. B. b. turcomanus is present from... READ MORE.
Steppe eagle
Habitat and Geographic Distribution: Open and dry habitats such as desert, semi-desert, steppe and savannah. Can also inhabit rocky areas such as cliffs and mountain ridges. Breeds in south-eastern Europe including Russia, from Central Asia to eastern China, and winters... READ MORE.
Girgentana Goat
Habitat and Geographical Distribution: Sicily; mainland Italy; Western Europe. Diet: Herbivore. Natural pasture, grasses, twigs, leaves, shrubs. Reproduction: Gestation is about 150 days, they can have more than one offspring per delivery. Behaviour: Both sexes have horns, but only males... READ MORE.
Dwarf Goat
Habitat and Geographical Distribution: Originating in the Middle East, goats prefer rocky mountains in temperate zones. Their hooves are highly developed for this type of terrain. Their coat together with highly developed lungs, allow goats to survive in places where... READ MORE.
Habitat and Geographical Distribution: Distributed virtually around the world. Wild donkeys, however, are native to the deserts of northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Diet: Herbivorous; feeds exclusively on vegetable matter. Reproduction:Polygamous. In wild donkeys herds there is usually one... READ MORE.
Plains Zebra
Distribution and Habitat: This species geographical distribution extends throughout all southeastern Africa. The biggest concentrations are in the plains of Kenya and Tanzania. They prefer savanna areas and open pasture fields, and sometimes woods. They can also venture up to... READ MORE.
Scimitar oryx
Distribution and Habitat: The oryx is found from the desert to semi-desert regions. This is an extension of territory that rises from Senegal to the center of Sudan, which borders the Sahara desert. Diet: They are herbivorous animals, in which... READ MORE.
Blue Gnu
Distribution and Habitat: Gnus are very scattered throughout the African continent, being that there is greater diversity from Kenya to Namibia. Diet: Gnus are considered grazers and will feed during the day and under the moonlight. Their preferred foods are... READ MORE.