Carnivorous Birds

Southern Caracara

Habitat and Geographical Distribution: Open fields, savannahs, forest edges, beaches and urban areas. Neotropical distribution from Argentina to the southern United States, with their largest population in south-east and north-east Brazil. Diet: Rather opportunistic omnivore, takes advantage of all available... READ MORE.

Eurasian Eagle-Owl

Habitat and Geographical Distribution: Wide variety of habitats, including coniferous forests, deserts, wetlands, plains, urban areas and mountain areas. Its distribution includes practically the whole of Europe and much of Asia and North Africa. B. b. turcomanus is present from... READ MORE.

Steppe eagle

Habitat and Geographic Distribution: Open and dry habitats such as desert, semi-desert, steppe and savannah. Can also inhabit rocky areas such as cliffs and mountain ridges. Breeds in south-eastern Europe including Russia, from Central Asia to eastern China, and winters... READ MORE.