Diet: seeds, fruit and vegetation from the ground.
Reproduction: They are monogamous. Before mating, usually during the rainy season between August and December and only once a year, the couple exhibits ritualized behaviours and vocalizations. They build their nests in tree cavities and lay 4 to 7 eggs. The incubation period is 17 to 23 days and the chicks become independent and leave the nest at 5 weeks. Both the male and female work together to incubate the eggs and care for the young.
Distribution and Habitat: Australia. They live in open fields near freshwater courses.
Behavior: They are gregarious birds that form flocks of up to thousands of individuals. They have specific migratory routes within Australia. They can reach speeds of up to 64 km/h. The way cockatiels present their feathers is indicative of their state of mind. They contract their feathers when they feel threatened and expand them when they are satisfied.
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific name: Nymphicus hollandicus
Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Dimensions: 25 to 35 cm long
Weight: 80 gr
Longevity: In the wild 10 to 14 years and in captivity 15 to 25 years.