
Antidorcas marsupialis

Distribution and Habitat:  Springbok territory includes Namibia, Botswana, Angola and South Africa. The preferred habitat is the areas of pastures, scrub and dry scrub.

Diet: Species considered “intermediate feeder”, that is, they eat both grass and more selective plants, such as shrubs. This change is related to the season of the year and mainly the need to drink water. During the hottest times, this species feeds on flowers, since they have a higher percentage of water. When the water points reappear, grass becomes the main food in the diet.

Reproduction: They usually mate in the dry season, breastfeed during the heat and during the rainy season young are ready for the abundance of food. Gestation lasts between 4 to 6 months and they only reproduce every 2 years.

Behaviour: When threatened or excited, Springbok perform a series of jumps, up to 3.5 meters high. This jump is very characteristic because it is done with the head turned down and the back fully arched. These jumps are used as a way to distract predators.

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC)


Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Bovidae

Dimensions: 80 cm until shoulder

Weight: 33 a 46 kg

Lifespan: 19 years in the wild / 20 years in captivity

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